About Me
Joseph has been an automobile enthusiast since his high school days with uncles and cousins who restored cars, specialized in tuning and racing the streets. His grandfather navigated the 1933 Prague-to-Paris endurance race with Bohumil Turek, in an Aero car. Franktisek Meloun racing history is being researched, enthusiastically.
Joseph has a small stable of both American and foreign cars and he enjoys the “art in the automobile”, emphasizing, “cars have a relation to all the senses, sight, smell, hearing, touch and G forces”. Movement is essential to life.
He enjoys repairing and restoring vehicles - bringing them back to active service, and races vintage cars on the VSCCA and Formular Junior Historic North America circuits.
Please join his faceBook and email him at jfjraia@aol.com for more information.